Abstract Submission

Important Information

Please register before submitting your abstract.

You may indicate your preference for an oral or a poster presentation when submitting your abstract. The standard option is to present a poster.

The program has room for 20 hot topic talks that will be presented as part of the plenary sessions. In addition, there will be a number of contributed parallel sessions of major new developments relevant in a given subfield. Each of these sessions will have 5 focused contributed talks (20 mins each).

The hot topic and parallel session talks will be selected from the contributed submissions by the local organizing committee with the help of the program committee.

Submissions that could not secure an oral slot will be assigned a poster slot.

The program will be finalized by the end of June and contributors will be informed about their assigned presentations.

Instructions for abstract submission

Abstracts for posters, contributed talks and invited talks are to be submitted as LaTeX files. Please download the zip compressed directory containing the template file and the style file:


Please read the instructions in the template file carefully. The abstract compiled with LaTeX has to fit into the bounding box indicated in the compiled dvi or pdf file. Text outside the bounding box might be clipped. It is the authors responsibility to ensure compliance with the style of the abstract and the length constraints to assure proper display in the program booklet.

Your full abstract will be made available online and in the abstract book of the conference.

Please check your abstract carefully before submitting it via the registration web site. After clicking on the link below you will be asked to log into the registration web site and to upload the .tex file containing your abstract. The submission deadline is May 15.

Submit Abstract

For questions about the registration please write to program@qipc2011.ethz.ch.