Frequently asked questions

A) How do I get an account (login) for the registration?

Click on this link. Enter your contact details and click the “Save” button. You will receive an e-mail with your password.

If you don't receive an e-mail with your password within a few minutes, it might be that the email is in the spam. If you cannot recover it you have to use a different e-mail account (of google mail or other type).

B) My contact details have changed. How do I enter changes to the registration web site?

Login to the registration web site, enter your new contact details and click the “Save” button. Note: you cannot change your e-mail address because it is your login username.

C) How do I register?

First you have to get an account (see A). If you already have an account, then click here and follow the instructions.

D) How do I submit an abstract?

First you have to get an account (see A). If you already have an account, then click here and follow the instructions. Please remember to use the TeX-template.

E) In what format should I submit my abstract?

We accept ONLY LaTeX files. Please download the zip compressed directory containing the template file and the style file: and follow the instructions in the template file.

F) Can I resubmit the abstract?

Yes, the procedure is similar to the abstract submission procedure. Note that you can only resubmit an abstract until the abstract submission deadline on May 15, 2011.

G) Do I get a receipt of payment of the registration fee?

The last page of your registration is the confirmation of your payment. You can print it or alternatively enter an e-mail address to which the system will send the confirmation. Your credit card bill will show the following text: “ETH Zürich, SEW, Zürich ETH-Ze”. If you need more information, we can issue a receipt during the conference.

H) How do I change my password?

Click here and enter your e-mail address, the current and the new password.

I) I forgot my password. How can I get a new password?

Follow this link and enter your e-mail address. You will get a new password by e-mail.