Program Changes
This page contains a list of last minute program changes and corrections which did not make it into the the printed version of the conference booklet.
Tuesday, Sep. 6, 9:30, Plenary Session on Superconducting Circuits @ G3: Andrew Cleland replaces John Martinis with a talk on the same subject.
Wednesday, Sep. 7, 10:30, Plenary Session on Photons @ G3: Peter Shadbolt replaces Jeremy O'Brien with a talk on the same subject.
Friday, Sep. 9, 14:20 and 15:20, Parallel Session I on Atomic Systems @ G7: Tatjana Wilk (now 4th talk in session) and Robert Spreeuw (now first talk in session) have exchanged their time slot.
Friday, Sep. 9, 16:30, Topical Session on Geometric and Topological Phases @ G7: Erik Sjöqvist replaces Jingfu Zhang with a talk on Non-adiabatic holonomic quantum computation.
Poster Session: The poster session has a few additional contributions. Therefore, the floor plan for the poster locations has slightly changed from the one indicated in the printed version of the program book. The up to date floor plan with poster locations is available here.