Poster Sessions
The poster contributions are grouped by subject. All posters will be up for the full duration of the conference. Each day the extended lunch breaks (2 hours) and the two coffee breaks (30' each) are available for poster presentations. Thus, there is ample time for all conference participants to view the posters, and for poster authors to get feedback on their work.
Presenters with odd poster number are asked to please attend their posters for discussion on Tuesday (Sep. 6) and Thursday (Sep. 8) and presenters with even poster number on Wednesday (Sep. 7) and Friday (Sep. 9). In this way both poster presenters and attendees are given the opportunity to present their own posters and have discussions with other poster presenters from their own and other subject areas.
For numbering of posters please consult the abstract book.
The size of the poster board is 120 cm x 180 cm (width x height). We suggest A0 portrait format poster size.
Setting-up and removing
Poster may be put up at any time on Monday, (Sep. 5). Material for setting-up will be available in the poster area.
Posters must be removed before 18:00 on Friday (Sep. 9). Any remaining poster will be removed and discarded after this time.
Areas and locations
The poster areas are located on the F- and G-floors of the HCI building. Please set-up according to your poster number. Plans of these floors are available as pdf (HCI-F and HCI-G) or jpg (HCI-F and HCI-G). They will also be available at the poster area.